Data Usage Policy: Phaseolus coccineus v1.1

Restrictions on dataset usage

I would like to use this data to help clone a gene, analyze a gene family, etc.
Please use this data to advance your studies. Please cite "Phaseolus coccineus v1.1, info/Pcoccineus_v1_1".
I would like to do a large-scale comparison of Phaseolus coccineus v1.1 to other genomes, and/or a global analysis of its gene content.
As a public service, the Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute (JGI) is making the externally produced Phaseolus coccineus genome sequence available before scientific publication according to the Ft. Lauderdale Accord. The research group responsible for this data (please see the contacts below) supports the JGI policy that early release should aid the progress of science. By accessing these data, you agree not to publish any articles containing analyses of genes or genomic data on a whole genome or chromosome scale prior to publication by the data producers of a comprehensive genome analysis ("Reserved Analyses"). "Reserved analyses" include the identification of complete (whole genome) sets of genomic features such as genes, gene families, regulatory elements, repeat structures, GC content, or any other genome feature, and whole-genome- or chromosome- scale comparisons with other species. The embargo on publication of Reserved Analyses by researchers outside of the Phaseolus coccineus Genome Sequencing Project is expected to extend until the publication of the results of the sequencing project is accepted. Scientific users are free to publish papers dealing with specific genes or small sets of genes using the sequence data. If these data are used for publication, the following acknowledgment should be included: 'These sequence data were made available by the Phaseolus coccineus Genome Sequencing Project and the Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute'. This letter has been circulated to Journal Editors so that they are aware of the conditions of access and publication detailed above. These data may be freely downloaded and used by all who respect the restrictions in the previous paragraphs. The assembly and sequence data should not be redistributed or repackaged without permission from the scientists listed below. Any redistribution of the data during the embargo period should carry this notice: "The Joint Genome Institute provides these data in good faith, but makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any purpose for which the data are used. Once the sequence is moved to unreserved status, the data will be freely available for any subsequent use."

We prefer that potential users of this sequence assembly contact the individuals listed under Contacts with their plans to ensure that proposed usage of sequence data are not considered Reserved Analyses.
