--- scientific_name: Glycine max # Two-word binomial for the scientific name classical_locus: E9 # Name of locus if available from classical genetic studies gene_symbols: - GmFT2a # Abbreviated name of gene symbol if available from literature - Another # Enter in yml list format, even if only one symbol. gene_symbol_long: Flowering Time 2a # Descriptive name of gene symbol if available gene_model_pub_name: Glyma.16g150700 # REQUIRED; Gene name from publication gene_model_full_id: glyma.Wm82.gnm4.ann1.Glyma.16G150700 # REQUIRED; Gene name in Data Store, with full prefix confidence: 5 # Value from 1 to 5 -- 5 being equivalent to complementation test curators: # Name of curators who worked on this - comments: - # Use if needed phenotype_synopsis: # Brief free-text phenotype description, e.g. "Seed raffinose concentration" or "photoperiod insensitivity to short day conditions" traits: # REQUIRED - at least one "entity" ontology accession; other ontology types are optional. - entity_name: flowering time trait # Short descriptive name of the ontology accession entity: TO:0002616 # Prefer terms from the Plant Trait Ontology, https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/to or browser.planteome.org - quality_name: premature # Optional; short descriptive name for accession quality term quality: # Optional; typically from generally from PATO, https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/pato - relation_name: positively regulates # Relations Ontology may be used as modifier if known; relation: RO:0002213 # https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/ro - entity_name: days to maturity entity: TO:0000469 - relation_name: positively regulates # Relations Ontology may be used as modifier if known; relation: RO:0002213 # https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/ro references: # REQUIRED (at least citation and one doi or one pmid). - citation: Kong, Liu et al., 2010 # Use the "LastName, LastName et al., YEAR" format doi: 10.1104/pp.110.160796 # the bare doi (omit https://doi.org/) pmid: 20864544 # The "get_citations.pl" script can fill in pmid from doi or vice versa (in a new document) - citation: Kong, Nan et al., 2014 doi: 10.2135/cropsci2014.03.0228 - citation: Takeshima, Hayashi et al., 2016 doi: 10.1093/jxb/erw283 pmid: 27422993 --- scientific_name: XX classical_locus: XX gene_symbols: - gene_symbol_long: XX gene_model_pub_name: XX gene_model_full_id: XX confidence: XX curators: - XX comments: - XX phenotype_synopsis: XX traits: - entity_name: XX entity: XX references: - citation: XX doi: XX pmid: XX - citation: XX doi: XX pmid: XX