--- gene_symbols: - MtNAP1 gene_symbol_long: Nick-associated protein 1 gene_model_pub_name: Medtr4g084140 gene_model_full_id: medtr.A17_HM341.gnm4.ann2.Medtr4g084140 confidence: 5 curators: - Steven Cannon phenotype_synopsis: Reduced levels of nodulation, reduced acetylene reduction, and limited nodule development. Aborted and deformed infection threads restricted to epidermal root hair cells. The few nodules that did form had very low rhizobial colonization and nitrogenase activity. traits: - entity_name: root nodule number entity: TO:0000900 - entity_name: root nodule morphology trait entity: TO:0000898 - entity_name: enzyme activity trait entity: TO:0000599 - entity_name: root system entity: PO:0025025 - entity_name: root nodule entity: PO:0003023 - entity_name: root hair cell entity: PO:0000256 references: - citation: Miyahara, Richens et al., 2010 doi: 10.1094/mpmi-06-10-0144 pmid: 20731530 - citation: Oellrich, Walls et al., 2015 doi: 10.1186/s13007-015-0053-y pmid: 25774204