--- taxid: 3877 genus: Medicago commonName: "Medick, Burclover" description: "Medicago is a genus of flowering plants, commonly known as medick or burclover, in the legume family (Fabaceae). It contains at least 87 species and is distributed mainly around the Mediterranean basin. The best-known member of the genus is alfalfa (M. sativa), an important forage crop, and the genus name is based on the Latin name for that plant, medica, from Greek: μηδική (πόα) Median (grass). Most members of the genus are low, creeping herbs, resembling clover, but with burs (hence the common name). However, alfalfa grows to a height of 1 meter, and tree medick (M. arborea) is a shrub. Members of the genus are known to produce bioactive compounds such as medicarpin (a flavonoid) and medicagenic acid (a triterpenoid saponin). Chromosome numbers in Medicago range from 2n = 14 to 48. The species Medicago truncatula is a model legume due to its relatively small stature, small genome (450–500 Mbp), short generation time (about 3 months), and ability to reproduce both by outcrossing and selfing." species: - sativa - truncatula - ruthenica - polymorpha resources: - name: "Medicago Analysis Portal" URL: "https://medicago.legumeinfo.org" description: "LIS genus-centric portal for Medicago resources" - name: MedicagoMine URL: "https://mines.legumeinfo.org/medicagomine/begin.do" description: "InterMine interface for accessing genetic and genomic data for several species in Medicago." - name: Genome Context Viewer URL: "https://gcv.legumeinfo.org/gene;lis=medtr.A17_HM341.gnm4.ann2.Medtr1g009230" description: "Browser for dynamically discovering and viewing genomic synteny across selected species." - name: Germplasm GIS URL: "https://germplasm-map.legumeinfo.org/#?zoom=6&maxRecs=200&taxonQuery=Medicago&traitScale=global&geocodedOnly=false&traitExcludeUnchar=false&limitToMapExtent=false&lat=35.87&lng=-109.47&mapHeight=188.25&baseMap=ESRI%20-%20NatGeo%20(default,%20reference%20map)&ne_lat=37.52715361723378&ne_lng=-93.97705078125001&sw_lat=34.17999758688084&sw_lng=-124.95849609375001&accessionIdsInclusive=false" description: "Geographic information system viewer, showing collection locations for Medicago data held by the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System."